#8 Home remedies for bad body odor. Bad body odor.
Admin Jack
When you smell good, you have more confidence in yourself when you are around other people. If you smell bad, you need to get rid of that bad body odor as quickly as possible. Some common causes of bad body odor include sweating, menstruation, yeast infections and stress. There are a lot of remedies that will help you get rid of that smelly body odor.
#1. Sage:
Sage is an excellent fragrant herb that has anti-bacterial properties. It will eliminate the growing bacteria on your skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of sage and 4 cups of hot water. Then rinse your wet area. Do this two times a day for best results. #2. Tomatoes:
Tomatoes are a natural anti-septic. They will kill bacteria and contract skin pores to help reduce sweat. Use 7 or 8 tomatoes and extract the juice. Then mix it with your bath water. #3. Rosemary:
Rosemary contains menthol and chlorophyll that can help you fight bad odor very well. They are natural compounds that will kill bacteria and fungi.Add four cups of hot water to one half a cup of dried rosemary. Steep it for about 15 minutes. Then mix it into your bath water and soak for around 20 minutes.
#4. Turnips:
Turnips contain anti-bacterial properties which will help beat down the odor-causing bacteria. Make a paste out of 2 or 3 of them. Then apply the paste to your groin or underarms. Let it dry and then rinse it with warm water. #5. Witch Hazel:
Witch hazel has astringent properties that will contract the pores of your skin. It will also lower your skin’s pH level. This will make it impossible for the odor-causing bacteria to live and grow. Apply it on your wet areas by using a cotton ball. #6. Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil has natural anti-bacterial, anti-septic properties, a sweet smell and makes an excellent deodorant. Just mix 2 drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of water. Then apply this mixture to your underarms and other parts of your body that sweat a lot. #7. Apple Cider Vinegar:
One of the best natural bacteria-fighting compounds is Apple Cider Vinegar. It will get rid of your bad body odor by balancing the pH levels of your skin. Mix a cup of the vinegar in warm bath water and soak in it for about 10 minutes. Then take a shower. #8. Baking Soda and Lemon Juice:
Baking soda acts as a natural deodorant and will eliminate bacteria. Just mix lemon juice and baking soda in even proportions. Then rub the mixture on your underarms and other areas of your body that have a lot of sweating. Leave it on for about 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse gently. Thank you for watching. Please like us,
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