Herbal teas will also help to beat bad breath. The anti-oxidants that are in green or black tea will stop the growth of bacteria.
#2. Cloves:
Cloves will help freshen your breath. They also have anti-bacterial properties. The fastest way to use cloves is to put a few pieces of cloves into your mouth and chew them. This will get rid of bad breath in a few minutes.
#3. Fennel:
Fennel acts as a mouth freshener that will help control bad breath. It also has many antimicrobial properties that will fight the bacteria that is in your mouth.
Chew a tablespoon of fennel to also stimulate the production of saliva.
#4. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon has cinnamic aldehyde. This is an essential oil that covers up bad breath. Cinnamon also reduces the amount of bacteria in your mouth. Put one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water and bring it to a boil. Then strain the mixture and use it as a mouth rinse.
#5. Fenugreek:
Fenugreek tea is extremely effective when your bad breath is caused by catarrhal infections. Just boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a cup of water.
#6. Baking Soda:
Baking soda is also called bicarbonate of soda. It is another super solution for getting rid of bad breath. Baking soda fights all of the oral bacteria that can cause bad breath. Stir one-half teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water. Then use it as a mouth rinse.
#7. Parsley:
Parsley contains chlorophyll that will help get rid of bad breath. Just chew on a parsley sprig to make your breath fresh. Another way to gain the benefits of parsley is to put parsley leaves in a juicer and drink the juice. It will also help with your digestion.
#8. Lemon Juice:
The use of a lemon rinse to help with bad breath has been used for many generations. The acidic content in lemons will prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth. It also has a very pleasant smell that will help cover up the bad odor. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with a cup of water. Then rinse your mouth with it.
If your bad breath continues to be a problem even after trying these natural treatments, consult a doctor or a dentist.
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